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Employment Documents

These Employment Documents provide an extensive range of employment offer letters, employment contracts, HR policies, forms and letters to enable employers to recruit staff and manage employees, all the way through to resignation, redundancy and dismissal. This portfolio of employment templates is drafted and maintained by solicitors and HR professionals and provides an easy to use and affordable service for employers.  

The portfolio also includes legal templates and guidance to assist employers in the day to day management of their employees, covering areas such as:  data protection; sickness, absence and statutory leave; flexible working; disciplinary and grievance and training and development.

For only £35.00 (+ VAT) subscribers can download any of these contracts of employment, employment policies and other templates at any time over a one year period. This unlimited download access includes all updates and additions during the subscription period. Please click on the titles below to view the descriptions of the employment documents available to download. 

Employment Buy Only £35.00 + VAT!
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