Time Off Work For Training and Study
This sub-folder includes Guidance Notes and a comprehensive range of letters to help employers deal with the whole process of handling requests from employees for time off to train.
Employees in organisations with more than 250 employees have a statutory right to make a request in relation to time off for study or training. Employers will be obliged to consider seriously requests that they receive, but will be able to refuse a request where there is a good business reason for doing so. Plans to extend this right to organisations with fewer than 250 employees have been delayed.
There is no absolute right for employees to take time off for training, and no requirement for you, as an employer, to pay employees during the time off or to pay for the training itself. The training or study does not have to lead to a qualification, but it should improve the employee’s effectiveness at work and, therefore, benefit the organisation.
It is essential to treat all requests seriously and consistently, using the proper processes. Mishandling requests could lead to discrimination claims, where compensation is uncapped. This could occur if, for instance, an older employee could show his or her request was not being granted, but a request from a younger colleague was.
- Time Off for Training Policy
- Guidance Notes For Employers: Time Off For Training
- Request For Time Off Work To Study Or Train Letter
- Acknowledgement Of Request For Time Off Work To Study Or Train
- Meeting Letter To Discuss Time Off Work To Study Or Train
- Acceptance Of A Request For Time Off Work To Study Or Train
- Rejection Of A Request For Time Off Work To Study Or Train
- Appeal Request For Time Off Work To Study Or Train
- Appeal Decision / Meeting Letter
- Final Decision Letter
- Invalid Request Letter
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