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Dismissal due to Disqualification from Driving

If an employee’s job role is dependent on their holding a valid driving licence and they have been disqualified from driving it is possible to dismiss that employee. This is called a “statutory bar” dismissal and arises because an employee cannot continue to work in their job without contravening a duty or restriction imposed by statute; put simply, the act of the driver losing their licence has caused a statutory bar for the employer.

This subfolder contains a series of letters designed to guide employers through the process that may lead to a “statutory bar” dismissal. The employer must act fairly and take reasonable steps to allow the employee to remain in the company, and fully and fairly consider all alternatives to dismissal before reaching the decision to dismiss.

Dismissal due to Disqualification from Driving is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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