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Staff Appraisal, Training and Development Documents

In the Staff Appraisal, Training and Development Documents sub-folder, you will find the guidance notes and staff appraisal forms which should be used as a basis for the formal performance appraisal process. This is a generic staff appraisal template and should be adapted to the specific needs of your organisation.

Performance appraisals should be positive experiences: they are not a time for nasty surprises. The performance appraisal meeting should be viewed as a staging post in the performance management of an individual; a time formally to record all the informal discussions which have taken place over the past few months in the employee appraisal form template, with a view to agreeing specific action points and objectives for the future.

In processing personal data obtained during the appraisal process, employers should ensure that they act in accordance with the principles of The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including protecting against unauthorised access of personal data.

Also, included in the sub-folder is a personal development plan, which will enable you and your employees to review and reflect upon their aims and achievements, taking more of a structured, long-term view. This can be used in addition to employee appraisal form templates, and is viewed as a form of performance appraisal or coaching.

In respect of training, there is a template training plan to help you plan training strategically and an appraisal form on which employees can record their view of training received. There are also agreements which can be used to enable you to reclaim training costs from employees who leave your employment within a set period of time of completing their training.

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