Dealing with Employee Sickness and Absence
Both the employer and employee need to know how sickness and absence is managed at the workplace and what the legal requirements are.
The Sickness and Absence document sub-folder contains related policies, guidance notes on sickness, days off and return to work interviews. This folder includes: self-certification form template, HR sickness checklist and request for medical examination.
Sickness and Absence document templates are a must for any employer.
- Guidance Notes For Employers: Sickness And Absence At Work
- Sickness And Absence Policy
- HR Sickness Monitoring Checklist
- Sickness And Absence Monitoring Consent Form
- Employee Absence Record
- First Unauthorised Absence Letter
- Final Unauthorised Absence Letter
- Letter Inviting Employee to Meeting to Discuss Sickness Absence
- Letter Inviting Employee to a Further Meeting to Discuss Sickness Absence
- Letter to Employee on Sick Leave Asking to Visit Them at Home
- Letter to Employee on Sick Leave Asking for Details of Anticipated Return to Work
- Guidance Notes for Return To Work Interviews And Risk Assessments
- Sickness and Absence Self-Certification Form
- Absence And Illness Return To Work Form
- Invitation to Return to Work Interview Letter
- Request For Medical Examination for Persistent And Prolonged Sickness
- Letter Informing Employee on Sick Leave That Their Pay Will be Stopped or Reduced
- Prolonged And Persistent Sickness Dismissal Notice
- Jury Service Letter
- Letter Informing Employee On Sick Leave That Sick Pay Will Be Withheld
- Letter to Employee Advising of Non-Entitlement to Company Sick Pay
Dealing with Employee Sickness and Absence is part of Employment. Just £38.50 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment for 1 year.