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Home Working Policy and Documents

This subfolder contains a suite of documents for use when there is, or there is proposed to be, a home working agreement in place. Home working is defined as when an employee carries out some or all of his or her work for the employer in his or her home. Homeworkers may be full time or part time.

Home working can work very well on both sides but you will need to consider the most effective and efficient ways in which you can keep in contact with the homeworker, for example, the frequency of email reporting, telephone contact or attendance at the office for meetings or training.

Other issues which will need to be considered are who is responsible for providing and maintaining furniture and equipment, insurance and security matters. Employers’ health and safety obligations apply to homeworkers in the same way as they do to employees who work on the company’s premises and so you should carry out a thorough risk assessment before any home working arrangement begins and review it regularly.

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