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Statutory Sickness SSP Forms

In the UK employers must use statutory sick forms SSP1 and SC2 (or the employers' own self-certification form) for legal compliance and record-keeping when dealing with employee sickness and Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). SSP records must be kept for at least 3 years after the end of the tax year to which they relate.  

Employers must issue SSP1 if an employee is not eligible for statutory sick pay (for instance, earnings are too low), SSP and after 28 weeks, or the employee is still ill after after SSP entitlement ends. The SSP1 form must be provided to the employee within 7 days of SSP ending or being refused.

SC2 is the government form for employees to self-certify their illness and can used for up to 7 days of illness. Many businesses choose to use their own self-certification form. A template can be downloaded at Sickness and Self-Certification Form.

When are Employees Entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)?

To be entitled to SSP employees must:
1. Be classed as an employee (some agency workers) and cannot be self-employed.
2. Earn less than £123.00 per week before tax.
3. Be sick for at least 4 consecutive days. These can weekends and non-working days). SSP applies from the 4th day and excludes the first 3 "waiting" days.
4. Notify their employer of sickness (according to the employers reporting rules) which must be within 7 days. This notification can be by applying form SC2 or the employer's own self-certification form for sickness of up to 7 days. If sickness is for more than 7 days a doctor's sick/fit note is required.

SSP is only payable for 28 weeks in a single sickness period. when this stops the employer should issue SSP1 to enable the employee to claim Employment and Support Allowance.

How does subscription to Employment assist with SSP Forms?

Sickness and absence from work requires proper management and documentation to maintain compliance with legal responsibilities, and help sustain productivity within the workforce. In addition to these SSP forms Employment provides a range of templates from Sickness Policy to sequences to letters to employees to ensure correct communication when having to deal with sickness including frequent and long-term.

The portfolio also provides a extensive selection of templates to help manage the whole cycle of an employment relationship from, inter alia, recruiting and contracting with staff to dealing with disciplinary matters and redundancy.

Statutory Sickness SSP Forms is part of Employment. Just £38.50 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment for 1 year.

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