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Employment and Staff Handbook Policies

This Employment and Staff Handbook Policies sub-folder provides employers with a comprehensive range of HR policies which can be used on their own or incorporated into a Staff Handbook. Policies need to be adapted to match the culture and size of the organisation.

Small organisations will only need a few employment policies and procedures but, as the organisation grows, the need for Employment policies will change. New policies will need to be developed and all organisations should review their HR policies on a regular basis. Employees must be made aware of your policies at the start of their employment and, during the course of their employment, employment policies must be readily accessible to all employees. Hard copies can be given to employees or put on notice boards, or circulated by email or placed on an intranet.

Company Staff Handbook policies must be consistently applied in order to be effective.

Employment and Staff Handbook Policies is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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