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New Tenancy Forms, Letters and Checklists for Residential Landlords

Residential landlords in England need to gather detailed information about proposed tenants in order to decide whether to proceed with the grant of a tenancy. Having robust procedures and paperwork in place at an early stage will help landlords with the decision-making process.

The documents below include a Heads of Terms template to enable the landlord and tenant to agree the main details and an Application Form which seeks to capture all the information a landlord needs in order to carry out credit checks and obtain references. The Right to Rent Checklist helps the landlord to navigate the “right to rent” checks process and the Inventory template can be used to create a detailed record of the condition of the property.

The documents below are designed to assist landlords in England in handling such matters. These templates are suitable for use in England only. 

A selection of template letters requesting references can be found in the Tenant Referencing subfolder.

New Tenancy Forms, Letters and Checklists for Residential Landlords is part of Property Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Property Documents for 1 year.

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