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Company Let Tenancy Agreements

Lettings to companies or other non-natural persons cannot be assured shorthold tenancies (ASTs). Instead they are “contractual tenancies” which means that they are not covered by any of the statutory regimes that give tenants security of tenure. They can be terminated easily, subject to the Landlord complying with the notice period in the tenancy agreement and the notice requirements of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 (a minimum notice period of four weeks). 

Our Company Let Tenancy Agreement templates cater for both furnished and unfurnished houses and flats. Other useful documents are the two tenancy agreement guarantees for individual and corporate guarantors respectively.

The Tenancy Agreements are similar in form to our AST templates but they differ in two important respects. First, they do not require the landlord to comply with the Tenancy Deposit Protection legislation as this is only relevant to ASTs. Secondly, the Company Let Tenancy Agreements allow the property to be occupied by employees or directors of the company.

There are other types of contractual tenancies (i.e. non-ASTs) besides company lets. High value properties (where the annual rent exceeds £100,000), lettings where the tenant does not occupy the property as his only or principal home (e.g. a second home) and lettings by resident landlords are the main ones. Our Contractual Tenancies subfolder has templates suitable for such lettings.

Formalising the landlord/tenant relationship with these Tenancy Agreements will reduce the scope for disputes and ensure that the landlord gets the property back at the time and in the condition he requires.

Residential landlords must comply with a wide range of legal requirements before entering into a tenancy agreement.  Our Compliance Checklist and documents which can be found in the Residential Landlord and Ownership Documents to assist with these requirements.  

These Tenancy Agreements are drafted using plain English so that they can be easily understood. Where it is necessary to use legal terms an explanation in plain English is included.

Company Let Tenancy Agreements is part of Property Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Property Documents for 1 year.

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