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Negotiating, Forming and Managing Contracts

Contracts form the foundation of virtually all commercial transactions and play a fundamentally important role in business. It is therefore important that during the life of a contract there is proper monitoring and management of it and that all legal procedures under the contract are implemented in accordance with its terms.

This subfolder contains a range of documents designed to deal with each stage of the life of a contract, including expiry and/or termination of the contract.

In this subfolder, there are:

• a Deed of Variation, designed to ensure that changes made to the contract after it is signed become legally binding;

• a range of letter templates which deal with a large number of common interactions between the parties, ranging from a simple change of contact details to notices of breach and legal action;

• Forms of agreement which provide templates for mutual ending of a contract and mutual release from liabilities; and

• Novation letters which are designed to allow for smooth transitions where business ownership is transferred.

These contract management documents should be used with care and always in a way that is compatible with the terms of the original contract.

Negotiating, Forming and Managing Contracts is part of Business . Just £38.50 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business for 1 year.

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