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Board Minutes for CCLBG Trustees (Directors) – UK GDPR Compliance


These Board Minutes for CCLBG Trustees (Directors) – UK GDPR Compliance are designed to be used by a charitable company limited by guarantee (CCLBG)

The minutes can be used to record the proceedings at a CCLBG’s trustee board meeting convened to consider the requirements of the UK GDPR and approve the various policies and procedures that the charity has put in place in order to achieve UK GDPR compliance.

The charity’s trustees (the CCLBG’s directors) need to properly understand, prioritise and implement the changes needed to comply with data protection under the UK GDPR regime. Board minutes are a useful way to document this. 

The CCLBG’s charity trustees/directors will need to be satisfied that their and the charity’s obligations under the UK GDPR have been met given the potential fines, liability and general reputational damage that may result from any failure to comply.

They will also need to satisfy themselves that they have met the requirement to promote the success of the CCLBG (section 172 Companies Act 2006), in protecting the personal data that the CCLBG holds and meeting UK GDPR compliance more generally.

The document is in open format. Fields should be completed where indicated. Wording in square brackets is optional and can be deleted or retained according to requirements.

Board Minutes for CCLBG Trustees (Directors) – UK GDPR Compliance is part of Corporate Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate Documents for 1 year.

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