CHF - AD01 - Change of Registered Office Address for Company Limited by Guarantee (Charity)
CHF AD01 is the form prescribed by Companies House for all companies, including a charitable company limited by guarantee, to notify and register a change of registered office address at Companies House.
This document is in PDF format and the up to date version of it can be found on the Companies House website by clicking on this link to the relevant page: AD01 change of registered office address.
Once you have opened the template form on the Companies House webpage, you should save a copy to a location of your choice and then you can complete that copy.
To use the form, simply press TAB to jump from one field to the next and SHIFT + TAB to go back. Alternatively, use the mouse to click from one field to the next.
CHF - AD01 - Change of Registered Office Address for Company Limited by Guarantee (Charity) is part of Corporate Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate Documents for 1 year.