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Medical Questionnaire Long-Form


The Medical Questionnaire should be issued to all successful candidates where the Job Application Form III has been applied.

Employers must be aware that they are prohibited from asking candidates questions about their health before including them in a shortlist or offering them a job. 

This Medical Questionnaire form contains the following sections: 
1. Personal Details 
2. General Practitioner's Details 
3. Disability Discrimination Act 
4. Medical Conditions 
5. Past Medical History 
6. Declaration 

The employer is required to obtain the candidate’s express consent to seek a medical report. Information about an individual’s health is one of the special categories of data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

This Medical Questionnaire template is in fixed field format. Simply press TAB to jump from one field to the next and SHIFT + TAB to go back. Alternatively, use the mouse to click from one field to the next. 

The form can be unlocked by clicking on the "Padlock" icon on the tool bar. To display the “Padlock” icon click on “View” and then “Toolbars”. From the “Toolbar” menu enable the “Forms" option.

Medical Questionnaire Long-Form is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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