Letter to relevant individual regarding Change of Registered Office from a Residential Address 
The Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (Protection and Disclosure of Information and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2024 became effective on 27th January 2025 and extends the ability for individuals to protect their usual residential address (URA) from public view at Companies House if it has previously been used by a company as its registered office address (ROA).
Where a company has previously had a URA as its ROA, it may send this template letter to the relevant individual (who is likely to be a director or member of the company), informing them of this change and stating that the company will undertake the process of protecting their URA.
The individual will be asked to confirm that they authorise the company to act on their behalf. Form SR01 will need to be filed with Companies House.
These Regulations are made under the Economic Crime & Corporate Transparency Act 2023, which has reformed the role and powers of the registrar to include the prevention of abuse of personal information on the companies register.
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Letter to relevant individual regarding Change of Registered Office from a Residential Address is part of Corporate Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate Documents for 1 year.