Register of Members (long form)
The register of members is the definitive record of share ownership in a private limited company and section 113 of the Companies Act 2006 sets out the prescribed statutory particulars that must be entered in the register.
Our site contains 3 forms of template register; this template is a longer and more detailed version of the prescribed particulars as required by the Companies Act 2006. This may be more suitable for companies with a wider shareholder base and more than one class of share. There is also a shorter, more basic version, which contains only the prescribed statutory information that must be entered (as well as the shorter version reflecting changes that are being introduced under the Economic Crime & Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECCTA)). The layout of this template is different to reflect the greater detail it contains and that it may, should customers choose, act as an index as well (required for companies with more than 50 members).
Note that as this template contains extra details, care needs to be taken regarding potential data protection issues and the fact that the register may be inspected with these additional details included. More information is available in our guidance note. This template has been updated to reflect the changes being introduced under the ECCTA, such as the member's name being required to include both a forename and surname with no initials or abbreviations allowed.
This template is in open format.
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