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Hotel Terms and Conditions (B2B)


This document has been updated for Brexit. References to data protection legislation have been updated with reference to the UK GDPR.

These Hotel Terms and Conditions are designed for use by a hotel providing a range of services to business customers, i.e. where the services are wholly or mainly for the purposes of the customer’s (or another’s) business.

These terms are not suitable for use where the hotel’s customer is a “consumer” as defined in the Consumer Rights Act 2015, and they should not be used in such a case. Where the customer is a “consumer”, we have provided in this subfolder an alternative set of terms and conditions, the Hotel Terms and Conditions (B2C) which should be used instead. If you have any doubt as to whether your customer is a “consumer”, you should seek legal advice.

This template covers key aspects of the business of a hotel which offers various services including booking (of accommodation and other services), changes to bookings, fees and payment, cancellation by the customer or hotel, check-in and check-out arrangements, hotel rules (including use of hotel or customer equipment for meetings etc.), liability for theft or loss of or damage to customer property, limitation of liability, complaints and dispute resolution.

These terms have been written to cater for a hotel’s customer (whether a business or other organisation) booking for a group of its employees (or other individuals) staying at and/or using bedrooms or meeting rooms or other facilities at the hotel, but they are also suitable for use where the customer is making a booking for only one or two individuals.

These terms provide for the hotel’s customer (or any person authorised by it) to identify to the hotel the individuals to whom services are to be supplied. These terms also provide that the hotel may validly accept a booking or request from anyone who its customer names as someone authorised to book or request any services. These provisions aim to minimise misunderstandings or disputes about customer liability for hotel charges for any services.

Designed with flexibility in mind, these terms contain a number of optional clauses addressing supply of various services and facilities such as provision of car parking, food and drink, bedroom accommodation, use of meeting/conference/reception rooms, facilities provided in bedrooms and meeting/conference/reception rooms, fitness and leisure facilities, and additional charges for any such services and facilities.

This document assumes that your hotel offers promotional rates (for example, discounts for booking early and paying in advance). Additional payment terms are incorporated to cater for such rates.

It is important that the contract you make with your customer incorporates these terms and conditions. For this purpose, before your customer offers to make a booking (see Clause 2.8), you need to provide a copy of these terms and conditions to them, indicating at the same time that a booking will be on these terms and conditions. One means of achieving this is if you use a booking form which:

  • contains or attaches a copy of the terms and conditions;
  • states that those terms and conditions apply to any booking;
  • is signed by the customer and given to you; and
  • is then accepted/confirmed by you as a booking. (NB - you should not until then accept or confirm any reservation/booking).

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected to ensure that they are compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document. Clause cross-references may require updating.

This document duplicates the Hotel Terms of Business (B2B) available in Service Agreements > Services Business Terms.

These Hotel Terms and Conditions contain the following clauses:

1. Definitions and Interpretation
2. Reservations
3. Fees and Payment
4. Cancellations
5. Check-in and Check-out
6. Hotel Rules
7. Food and Drink
8. Car Parking Facilities
9. Disabled Customers
10. Limitation of Liability
11. Changes to Terms and Conditions
12. [Data Protection]
13. [Data Processing]
14. Complaints
15. Set-Off
16. Assignment and Subcontracting
17. Third Party Rights
18. No Waiver
19. Severance
20. Notices
21. Entire Agreement
22. Dispute Resolution
23. Law and Jurisdiction

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Hotel Terms and Conditions (B2B) is part of Business Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business Documents for 1 year.

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