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Guidance Notes: Job-Share Employment Contract


These Guidance Notes – Job-Sharing explain the issues which employers need to consider in setting up and managing job share arrangements.

Job-sharing a full time job between two (or more) individuals offers considerable benefits in terms of the flexibility the arrangement can give to both employer and employee. However, in order to be effective, the job-share contract must offer total clarity on issues such as how the work will be divided, working hours, what will happen in the event of the other job sharer’s absence and, crucially, what will happen if one job-sharer leaves. The Guidance Notes – Job-Sharing cover all of these issues.

As an employer may agree to a job share arrangement following a flexible working request, employers may also wish to look at the Simply-Docs suite of flexible working documents to ensure that correct procedures are followed.

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Guidance Notes: Job-Share Employment Contract is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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