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Catering Agreement (Small Functions) (B2C)


This document has been updated with a simplified data protection clause which refers to a separate privacy notice, removing references to specific legislation for ease of use. Full details of personal data use should be provided in that document.

Many individuals opt to use catering companies to provide food, drinks and often related services for private parties and functions. Catering is thus a popular business and, as with any business, terms and conditions are essential.

This template is designed for use where a catering business provides services to a customer who is a consumer, i.e. an individual purchasing those services for purposes wholly or mainly outside trade, business, craft or profession of that individual. There is also an accompanying form of agreement, the Catering Agreement for Small Functions (B2B) designed for use where the customer is a person, company or organisation purchasing the services wholly or mainly for purposes of any trade, business, craft or profession. This template is designed to apply where the caterer supplies only the catering itself without any additional services. A more complex version of this document which provides for optional catering staff and additional services is also available.

All essential points are covered in this agreement including orders, payment, hygiene and health and safety.

A set of counterpart terms and conditions, as an alternative to this form of Agreement, is also available.

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

This Catering Agreement for Small Functions (B2C) contains the following clauses:

1. Definitions and Interpretation
2. Information About Us
3. The Contract
4. Price and Payment
5. Providing the Catering Services
6. Problems with the Catering Services and Your Legal Rights
7. Our Liability
8. Events Outside of Our Control
9. Cancellation
10. Communication and Contact Details
11. Insurance
12. Complaints and Feedback
13. How We Use Your Personal Information
14. Other Important Terms
15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

and the following schedules:

1. The Catering Services and Food
2. The Price
3. Privacy Policy

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Catering Agreement (Small Functions) (B2C) is part of Business Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business Documents for 1 year.

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