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Appointment to Removal of Directors

These Appointment to Removal of Directors template documents are straightforward to use and compliant with the Companies Act 2006. 

Fully editable, the document library covers the various stages in the process of appointing and removing directors, including letters for appointing non-executive, alternate and associate directors. There are templates for a wide range of functions when dealing with directors, including directors’ service contracts and letters and minutes for the declaration of directors’ conflicts of interest.

Note when using any of our templates, that Companies House from 13 March 2023, no longer accepts a set of minutes which have a resolution embedded within them. A company will instead need to file a separate copy of the resolution in circumstances where a resolution was required to be filed under the Companies Act. Their previous practice was to accept minutes which included the resolutions that were passed. 

Please click on the links below to view detailed descriptions of each document.

Appointment to Removal of Directors is part of Corporate. Just £38.50 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate for 1 year.

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