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Directors' Service Contracts

The appointment of a director is of crucial importance to any company, and as such having a Directors' Service Contract in place is vital.

The Directors Service Contracts subfolder contains different versions of the basic terms and conditions which may be used by a company in retaining a director, both with and without a payment in lieu of notice (PILON) provision and with and without a bonus share option.

Each document in the Directors Service Contracts subfolder is fully compliant with the Companies Act 2006 and has been updated in line with the state pension introduced by the Pensions Act 2014. This has resulted in the removal of the contracting out certificate clause.

These Directors Service Contracts are also available in the Employment Document Folder in the Directors' Service Contracts subfolder.


Directors' Service Contracts is part of Corporate Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate Documents for 1 year.

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