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Basic Appraisal Form


The Basic Appraisal Form is a short appraisal form which can be used to add structure to an appraisal review meeting. This form is a simpler alternative to the Staff Performance Appraisal Form: Part I Appraisee and the Staff Performance Appraisal Form: Part II Appraiser. It is most suitable for those wishing to make the appraisal process easier and more straightforward.

The performance evaluation section of the form can be completed before, or during, the appraisal review meeting. The objectives should be agreed with the appraisee during the meeting.

This appraisal form can be adapted to a variety of roles and provides for an evaluation of the appraisee’s performance in relation to key skills, an overall review of what has happened during the appraisal review period and setting of SMART objectives for the upcoming months.

The key skills covered in the Performance Evaluation section can be varied according to the role the appraisee is carrying out.

The form provides for the following:
1. Performance Evaluation
2. Review
3. Objectives
4. General comments

This Basic Appraisal Form is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

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Basic Appraisal Form is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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