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Staff Performance Appraisal Form: Part I Appraisee


The staff appraisal process should not just be seen as a means of checking "productivity". Instead, it should be used to identify the strengths, weaknesses and training needs of staff. 

This Part I Appraisal Form should be sent to, and then completed by, the Appraisee. A copy of the current job description should also be provided to the Appraisee. The Part 1 Appraisal Form must be returned to the Manager/Appraiser prior to the appraisal meeting.

The accompanying Guidance Notes (EMP.SA.01) explain what is expected from the Appraisee in respect of each of the following headings: 
1. Duties & Responsibilities 
2. Discussion Points 
3. Objectives (prior year) and performance 
4. Objectives/Targets for next 12 months


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Staff Performance Appraisal Form: Part I Appraisee is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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