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Redundancy Procedure And Checklist


This Redundancy Procedure and Checklist will assist employers to comply with fair redundancy procedures so that they avoid laying themselves open to successful actions for unfair dismissal.

Redundancy is a potentially "fair" reason for dismissal, but should only be completed by following correct redundancy procedures.

An employee is considered to be redundant in law if the employer has ceased, or intends to cease, to carry on the relevant business at or reasonably near the place where the employee is employed; or the requirement for work of that kind has ceased or diminished or is expected to do so.

The employer is expected to consider practicable measures to avoid or reduce redundancies. These will generally depend on the individual circumstances of each business - generally the smaller it is, the less the employer would normally be expected to consider such options.

The Redundancy Procedure provides a list of prompts and notes covering justification and avoidance of redundancy, consultation with employees and their representatives, selection for redundancy, alternative work and trial periods to redundancy compensation and entitlements.

If there are any doubts the employer should seek legal advice.

The Redundancy Procedure and Checklist is in open format.

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