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Redundancy Individual Consultation Letter following Collective Consultation


Redundancy is potentially a "fair" reason for dismissal but non-compliance with fair redundancy procedures could render you open to a successful action for unfair dismissal.

The Redundancy Individual Consultation Letter following Collective Consultation is fully compliant with current best practice and the requirements of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

This Redundancy Individual Consultation Letter following Collective Consultation should be used where more than 20 employees are affected by the redundancy proposal, when collective redundancy consultations are complete. The letter advises the employee that the selection pools have been identified and initial selection has been carried out. The letter informs the employee that, following the scoring, he or she is at risk of redundancy and invites the employee to individual redundancy consultations to discuss ways in which redundancy can be avoided.

This letter helps to ensure that all redundancy dismissals are considered and handled fairly, giving those employees who are affected by a proposed redundancy full opportunity to make representations.

For collective redundancy consultations (involving 20 or more employees), see the separate Redundancy Collective Consultation suite of documents. This letter template is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

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