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Misconduct Notice Of First Disciplinary Meeting


This Notice of Disciplinary Meeting letter states the alleged misconduct and the time, date and location of the hearing; that the employee has the right to be accompanied, and will have an opportunity to discuss/challenge/explain the allegation.

This Notice of Disciplinary Meeting letter complies with the ACAS Code of Practice.

This letter should be used in conjunction with the Guidance Notes: Disciplinary Procedure and the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.

Before sending any Notice in respect of alleged misconduct the employer should identify whether a disciplinary rule has been breached, how the action detrimentally affects the business, and also carry out a thorough investigation into the alleged misconduct. This letter has an optional clause depending on whether or not a formal investigatory hearing was held before this meeting.

If there are insufficient reasonable grounds to support the allegation(s), then the matter should be dropped and the employee advised accordingly. If the misconduct is deemed trivial then an informal warning may be issued to the employee. This should be noted for future reference; however it should be removed from the employee’s record after a period of time in line with the company’s policy on ‘spent’ warnings. Oral warnings should be confirmed in writing to the employee in order to maintain a disciplinary audit trail and to ensure that they are not denied at some future date. However, if there are reasonable grounds for believing the employee committed the alleged misconduct and disciplinary action is considered to be a possibility then a Notice of Disciplinary Meeting should be issued.

The employee is requested to confirm attendance or otherwise agree an alternative date/time for the hearing. If the outcome of the hearing is that the employee has failed to offer a satisfactory explanation for his/her misconduct then action taken by the employer will depend upon a number of factors, including (but not limited to) the seriousness of offence, the employees length of service, previous warnings, the company’s own rules etc.

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Misconduct Notice Of First Disciplinary Meeting is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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