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Board Minutes – Standard Format (Regular ordinary meetings)



This template can be used to record the proceedings at an ordinary regular board meeting of a company to discuss ongoing matters related to the company. Directors will make decisions about the day to day management of a company and will usually meet monthly or quarterly to discuss these matters. This may include a discussion of the company’s activities and performance, the business outlook, sales and marketing initiatives etc.

These board minutes are different to the other board minutes we have on our site, which relate to specific corporate processes (e.g. the recommendation and payment of a dividend) or the approval of key business decisions (e.g. the acquisition of a new business). In contrast, these minutes reflect how a company and business operate day to day and the ongoing review and decisions that need to be considered and made.

There is no set format for board minutes and so these minutes can and should be adapted to suit each company’s specific needs and processes of approval. Any decisions made at a board meeting are normally taken by simple majority, with voting on a show of hands. However, the company’s articles of association must always be checked.

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Board Minutes – Standard Format (Regular ordinary meetings) is part of Corporate Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate Documents for 1 year.

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