Would Some Other Type of Organisation Be More Appropriate to Achieve Your Purpose? 
Depending on what you intend to achieve and how you intend to achieve it, you might find that setting up some other type of organisation (i.e. not a charity) is necessary or more appropriate or effective to achieve your aims.
These are examples of some other organisations that might be more suitable than a charity:
- Community Amateur Sports Club (“CASC”)
Documents relevant to setting up a CASC are the Guidance Note - Clubs; Guidance Note: Fit and Proper Persons (Trustees and Managers); HMRC’s Declaration for Fit and Proper Persons; Community Amateur Sports Club (“CASC”) Constitution; List of CASC Eligible Sports; and HMRC’s Application to Register a CASC;
- Community Interest Company (“CIC”)
A CIC is a limited company which operates to provide a benefit to the community that it serves. Its purpose is primarily to provide a community benefit rather than create a private profit. See H. M. Government’s Guidance.
- Community Benefit Society (“CBS”).
A CBS can be wholly charitable or benevolent, but it does not have to be, as long as it is conducting its business for the benefit of the community. See the Financial Conduct Authority’s Defining a community benefit society.
- Social Enterprise.
A social enterprise is an operator in the social economy whose main objective is to have a social impact rather than make a profit for its owners/shareholders. See the NCVO’s Understanding Social Enterprise.
- Members Club.
Documents relevant to setting up a members’ club are the Guidance Note - Clubs; Private Members’ Club – Long Form Constitution; and Private Members’ Club – Short Form Constitution;
- Charitable Foundation.
This is a type of charity, but it differs from other types of charity in that its funds usually come from one source (e.g. an individual or a business) as an “endowment” rather than relying on broad public fundraising. Foundations typically make grants to other non-profit organisations, support charitable activities, or operate their own programmes.
For further information, see Guidance Note: Is It Necessary Or Appropriate To Set Up A Charity?