Guidance Note: Fit and Proper Persons (Trustees and Managers)
This Guidance Note: Fit and Proper Persons (Trustees and Managers) explains why all charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) should routinely obtain from all “managers” a suitable “fit and proper person” declaration. “Manager” includes any trustee, director, or any employee who has general control and management over the running of the charity or over application of its assets (e.g. expenditure of funds).
We have included in the Guidance Note a link to a suitable form of declaration for that purpose - the Declaration for Fit and Proper Persons (Trustees and Managers). That form is the Model form published by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for use by any charity or CASC (whether or not it is registered with the Charity Commission).
This Guidance Note explains why trustees and other managers of charities or CASCs need to be “fit and proper persons”, why we recommend use of the HMRC Model Form rather than using any other form or procedure, and how to use that HMRC Model Form.
The Guidance Note includes a link to HMRC's Helpsheet for trustees and other managers so that you can give a copy of both the Helpsheet and the Model Form to each of your charity or CASC trustees or other managers.
We recommend that you read the Guidance Note, the Helpsheet and the Declaration for Fit and Proper Persons (Trustees and Managers) before either appointing any charity or CASC trustee or other manager or using that or any other form of declaration.
Once you have purchased access to the appropriate document folder click on the “Download Document” button below. You will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.
Guidance Note: Fit and Proper Persons (Trustees and Managers) is part of Corporate. Just £38.50 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate for 1 year.