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Prepare and Adopt All Necessary Policies and Procedures

Prepare and Adopt All Necessary Policies and Procedures

You should at an early stage consider the nature and activities of the charity and then decide on the particular types of policies, procedures and other documents that may be needed by the charity to meet various legal requirements that apply to it. Once the trustees have decided on which types of such documents will be needed, they should finalise and formally adopt them at a trustee board meeting, and they should then review each of them subsequently at appropriate intervals to ensure that they are still relevant and up to date. 

Example templates of such policies and procedures are: Privacy Notice for a Charity (GDPR compliant), Safeguarding Policy for a Charity, Complaint Procedure (Large Charity),Complaint Procedure (Large Charity), Volunteer Home Working Policy (Charities), Charity Employees Expenses Policy, Charity Volunteer Expenses Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy for a Charitable Company Limited By Guarantee, Conflict of Interest Policy for a Charitable Incorporated Organisation,  Charity Trustees Expenses Policy, Charity Fundraising Whistleblowing Policy

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