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Form N316A – County Court Application for Questioning Corporate Debtor


This Application for Corporate Debtor Questioning Form N316A is available on the Government website and the relevant page can be reached by clicking here. (See also our Free section for this document.) This Form N316A can be used to require an officer of a company which is a “judgment debtor” to attend court to give information about the company’s financial circumstances.

Form N316A should be used for corporate judgments debtors only. If the debtor is an individual you should use Form N316 instead.

Questioning might be necessary where a claimant has obtained a court order requiring the defendant to make a payment to the claimant but the defendant has not paid. Once the debtor’s financial standing is known, the claimant can decide whether to apply to court for an enforcement order, and which type of order to apply for.

For more information about enforcing judgments, and the different types of enforcement order, see our Guidance Notes: Debt Recovery and Taking Legal Action, Form N323 (Warrant of Execution), Form N337 (Attachment of Earnings Order), and Form N349 (Third Party Debt Order).

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