Affiliate and Link Agreements
When seeking to promote a website, search engines inevitably spring to mind. Whilst highly effective when used correctly, search engines are not the only way of getting more traffic to your website.
The Link Exchange Agreements available in this subfolder regulate the reciprocal placement of links on websites, ensuring that both parties have the equal chance to benefit from the exchange. Documents designed to enable E-Commerce websites to increase sales through the use of Referral Partner Agreements and Affiliate Agreements are also available. Such contracts allow the parties to agree upon and specify key elements such as commission on sales and the placement and maintenance of links.
- Affiliate Programme Terms and Conditions (Sale of Goods)
- Affiliate Programme Agreement (Sale of Goods)
- Affiliate Programme Terms and Conditions (Sale of Services)
- Affiliate Programme Agreement (Sale of Services)
- Link Exchange Agreement
- Link Exchange Agreement + Non-Compete Clause
- Referral Partner Agreement (Goods and Services)
- Website Linking Agreement
Affiliate and Link Agreements is part of Business Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business Documents for 1 year.