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Data Breaches

When data is lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, a data breach has occurred. When this involves personal data, a data breach can be particularly harmful both to your business and to those individuals whose personal data is involved.

It is therefore important to have a clear procedure in place for handling data breaches – making sure they are contained quickly, properly investigated, that the ICO and affected data subjects are notified if necessary, and that appropriate action is taken to prevent such a breach from happening again.

The documents in this subfolder are designed to help you do just that. The Data Breach Policy lays out the steps that should be taken all the way from initial internal reporting to the final implementation of future preventative measures. The Data Breach Register should be used to record all details of the breach and many key aspects of the investigation into it and action taken to resolve it. Finally, the Data Breach Report Form should be made available to your staff to enable them to easily report a breach and includes prompts for the required information.

Data Breaches is part of Business Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business Documents for 1 year.

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