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Office Worker/Administrator Employment Agreement with Restrictive Covenants


The Office Worker/Administrator Employment Agreement with Restrictive Covenants can be applied to a wide variety of jobs, in particular clerical, administrative and secretarial roles and other roles where an enhanced level of restriction is required.

Employers must provide workers and employees with a written statement of their main terms and conditions of employment and this is often known as a Standard Form Section One Statement.

This Contract covers the requirements of a Standard Form Section One Statement. This contract complies with these requirements and must be provided to the employee or worker by day one of employment.

The effect of the restrictive covenants contained in this contract is that they limit the employee's ability to move to a new role in a different company and compete with your business, or take your staff or customers with them. Do not use this contract if these circumstances are unlikely to arise with your new employee.

This Office Worker/Administrative Employment Agreement includes restrictive covenants provisions affording protection to the employer. There is a non-compete covenant, which prevents employees or ex-employees from being involved in a competitor business; a non-solicitation covenant, which prevents employees or ex-employees from soliciting business from clients/prospective clients or suppliers; and a non-poaching covenant, which prevents the employee from enticing away his/her former colleagues.

Restrictive covenants should be no wider than is necessary to protect your “legitimate business interests”. If their scope is too wide, they may not be enforceable. Please ensure that you carefully consider each restrictive covenant, removing any that are not relevant to your particular business and to the specific employee. Ensure that time and geographical limits are appropriate and reasonable to the nature of your business.

This agreement contains the following clauses:

1. General
2. Duties and Job Title
3. Date of Commencement/ Date of Continuous Employment
4. Hours of Work
5. Place of Work
6. Work outside the UK
7. Remuneration and benefits
8. Collective Agreements
9. Holidays
10. Other paid leave
11. Training
12. Sickness Absence
13. Maternity and Paternity Rights
14. Pension
15. Non-Compulsory Retirement
16. Confidential Information
17. Restrictive Covenants
18. Mobility
19. Grievance procedures
20. Disciplinary procedures
21. Staff Handbook and Employment Policies
22. Termination of Employment
23. Data Protection
24. Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment
25. Severability
26. Governing Law
27. Right to Work in the UK

The Pensions Act 2014 introduced a new state pension for people reaching state pension age on or after 6 April 2016, replacing the previous basic state pension and additional state pension and ending contracting out for defined-benefit schemes. This employment contract has been updated accordingly with the removal of the clause referring to the contracting out certificate.

This agreement is in open format. Fields should be completed where indicated.

Clauses with optional and alternative phrases
Options and alternatives appear in blue font. The way in which this document is designed ensures that it will make sense with or without the optional clauses. Tailor this contract by removing all phrases and clauses which are not relevant to your business. Once you have finished, please remember to highlight the whole document and switch the font colour to black.

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Office Worker/Administrator Employment Agreement with Restrictive Covenants is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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