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Home Working Policy for Volunteers (Charities)


This Home Working Policy for Volunteers (Charities) is for use by a charity which wishes to offer home working to their volunteers as a mode of flexible working.

Volunteers do not have an entitlement in law or under the provisions of this policy to work at home rather than at the charity’s premises. However, provisions included in this policy enable any volunteer to ask the charity to consider agreeing to the volunteer working at home. Charities adopting this policy should therefore make sure that they are prepared to properly consider any such requests.

The facility to work from home can be offered to a volunteer to cater for the volunteer’s and/or the charity’s needs or preferences. It can be for part or all of the volunteer’s working week, for a short period or on an ongoing basis. A volunteer can also ask to work from home on an ad hoc or occasional basis. Home working for volunteers offers a number of potential benefits to charities and volunteers alike, including increased volunteer satisfaction, better volunteer retention, and potential cost savings on the charity’s office space and volunteer recruitment.

This Home Working Policy for Volunteers (Charities) operates on the principle that any request to work from home will only be approved if it is mutually beneficial.

This policy can be used in conjunction with either of the forms of Volunteer Agreement in the Charity and Non-Profit document group. This policy is also available in the Charity and Non-Profit document group, which is part of the Corporate documents folder.

This Home Working Policy for Volunteers (Charities) contains the following sections:

1. Policy Statement
2. Policy Aims and Benefits
3. Volunteer Home Working Definition
4. General Principles
5. Applying for Formal Regular Home Working
6. Selection Criteria
7. Equipment and Connectivity
8. Health and Safety
9. Insurance and Other Financial Concerns
10. Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection
11. Hours of Volunteering
12. Inability to Carry Out Role Due to Illness or Injury
13. Expenses

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Home Working Policy for Volunteers (Charities) is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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