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First Aid, Accidents and Disease Health and Safety Forms

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 (as amended) require all employers (or persons in control of premises) to have an appropriate number of first-aid trained staff and equipment in place, so that if staff or visitors to the premises are taken ill or involved in an accident, then help can be provided to them.

The Regulations do not set out the specific numbers of trained personnel required. A risk assessment of the premises, taking into account what is done on the premises and the number and type of people who are likely to be present, should indicate the number of trained personnel required. It is important to remember s3 HSWA1974, that as the ‘employer/person in control of the premises’, you will have a duty of care towards everyone who may be affected by your activities.

This First Aid, Accidents and Disease sub-folder contains a First Aid Policy, an Accident Reporting Form for either accidents or near misses, a list of the Injuries, Diseases or Dangerous Occurrences that are reportable under RIDDOR 2013, and the forms you can use for reporting them. It also contains a first aid training record and schedule and accident reports.

It is suggested that you also refer to the relevant “Toolbox Talk”  - Toolbox Talk -  Accident Procedures which you can find  here.

First Aid, Accidents and Disease Health and Safety Forms is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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