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Equality Training Monitoring Form


Employers should ensure that all their employees are treated equally irrespective of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, gender assignment, marital status or ethnic origin for training purposes.

The Equality and Diversity / Equal Opportunities Training Monitoring Form should be provided to the employee when the employee is applying for training or prior to commencement of the training.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires employers to comply with principles for processing personal data, including being transparent by providing information to employees about personal data and how it is used. This information will usually be provided by means of a privacy notice. Employers must ensure that the information required as part of their monitoring procedure is relevant to the aims of the employer’s equal opportunities policy.

The information from this monitoring form should be entered into the Equal Opportunities Training Monitoring Control Sheet.

This form contains the following sections:

1. Gender Assigned at Birth

2. Which of the Following Best Reflects Gender Identity

3. Does Gender Align with Gender Assigned at Birth

4. Full Name

5. Marital Status

6. Ethnic Origin

7. Religion or Belief

8. Disability

9. Age Range

10. Sexual Orientation

Equality Training Monitoring Form is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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