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Office and Home Risk Assessment Forms

Use of Office or Home Risk Assessment Forms is an important exercise that can not only help you make the office safer for your staff and eliminate accidents, but can also help you to comply with the relevant health and safety legislation.

This Office and Home Risk Assessment Forms folder contains forms to help you follow a systematic method of looking at work activities and assessing what could go wrong. Office or Home Risk Assessment Forms will help you decide what control you need to implement in order to prevent loss, damage or injury in the office or at home. The forms include the Office Risk Assessment and follow on Office Risk Assessment Action Plan. The folder also includes a worked example of an Office Risk Assessment, a Risk Assessment Form for Display Screen Equipment and a variety of specific office risk assessments for office equipment as well as a home worker's risk assessment form.

Under sections 2 and 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, an employer has a duty of care both to employees and to any others who may be affected by business activities. This includes any professional/trade visitors, contractors carrying out maintenance or repair work, and the general public.

These templates can help to provide evidence that steps have been taken to prevent a breach of legislation, and to prevent accidents resulting from negligence in the office.

Office and Home Risk Assessment Forms is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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