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Fire Risk Assessment Form Templates

This sub-folder contains 6 different Fire Risk Assessment Forms each tailored to a different type of business, including Offices, Shops, Hotels, Residential Care Homes, Workshops and more.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that the person in charge of premises, who is called the Duty Holder, carries out a Fire Safety Risk Assessment. The Fire Risk Assessment can then be used in the process of reducing any hazardous operations and should cover the specific activities carried out at your place of business.

Each Fire Safety Risk Assessment Form has been specifically written to help you identify the types of hazards you will face in your industry, helping you to be able to manage those hazards. Each form provides a comprehensive (but not exhaustive) list of questions and issues that need to be considered and answered. These include considering the number and location of fire extinguishers, escape routes in the event of an emergency, staff training and many more.

Any potential fire hazards identified during the risk assessment should be recorded in an action plan. The Risk Assessment Action Plan template can be found in the Standard Risk Assessment Forms folder.

It is suggested that you also refer to the relevant “Toolbox Talk”  - Toolbox Talk -  Fire Safety which you can find  here.

Fire Risk Assessment Form Templates is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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