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Hand Arm Vibration Risk Assessment Forms

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a potentially serious ailment that can affect anyone who uses any sort of vibrating tools. Probably the most well known symptom is ‘vibration white finger’. Workers using hand-held power tools can be exposed to harmful levels of hand–arm vibration (HAV). Hand–arm vibration is vibration transmitted to the hand or arm during the use of hand-held power tools or holding materials being processed by machines, whether cutting, drilling, hammering, etc.

The longer a worker is exposed to HAV, the greater the risk of developing HAVS. The likelihood of developing HAVS can be increased by differences in characteristics of the tool or the way it is used.

Eliminating or minimising exposure to vibration which can cause HAVS usually involves isolating or cushioning the impacts. The first step is to identify the work activities that cause repeated vibrations. Regulation 3 of the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 requires that employers consult their staff before “the introduction of any measure at the workplace which may substantially affect the health and safety of those employees…” including the selection of new tools or equipment.

This sub-folder contains a blank Hand-Arm Vibration Risk Assessment Form as well as a Worked Example and Guidance Notes on how to carry out the assessment.

It is suggested that you also refer to the relevant “Toolbox Talk”  - Toolbox Talk -  Vibration which you can find here.

Hand Arm Vibration Risk Assessment Forms is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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