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Flexible Working Rights Extended to all Employees

As of 30th June 2014, any employees who have worked at a company for at least 26 weeks of continuous service will be covered by the legal right to request flexible working arrangements. Previously the legislation only extended to parents or those with caring responsibilities. The new rules, which are being implemented by The Chi ... Continue reading

Distance and Doorstep Selling Update

On 13th June 2014 new EU business to consumer selling regulations come into force covering distance and doorstep selling. The changes will require amendments to terms and conditions allowing for a new cooling off period, provision of a model cancellation form, and tighter delivery periods: Businesses must ensure consumers have a ... Continue reading

Classic job post faux pas

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to apply for work these days. Just ask all the people currently on the hunt for their perfect jobs. However, what’s often skipped over is just how tricky it can be for firms to post vacancies successfully. There is a real art form to generating appropriate and effective job ads, and there a ... Continue reading

The Importance of Trusting Your Instincts in Business

The secret of success in business is not one that can be taught. Instead it is one that comes from within. Or at least that was the message from Mary Portas, the retail expert and TV star who hosted this years Small Business Showcase Awards.When asked about the most important aspect of running a small business, Portas said: &nbs ... Continue reading

Statutory Sick Pay Changes

No more Statutory Sick Pay reclaims – Abolition of Percentage Threshold SchemeThe Government has ended the Percentage Threshold Scheme (PTS) under which employers who suffered from high levels of sickness absence were able to reclaim a portion of their SSP payments. Using the money saved from PTS, which has been described by the ... Continue reading

Employment Law Changes

It’s that time of year again and April heralds some new changes to Employment law.Claimants wishing to bring an employment claim will first have to lodge one with ACAS and engage in conciliation before they can proceed to a tribunal, the rationale being that an agreement can be reached between the parties and litigation can be a ... Continue reading

Food Hygiene Documents Every Employer Should Know About

If you work in the catering or restaurant business it is vital that you get the correct documentation together beforehand. Ensuring your team is up to date on current practices and being able to prove this to anyone who asks is vitally important. Collecting this paperwork and keeping it safe is a great resource for your business ... Continue reading

Share your Ideas

As always at Simply-Docs we’ll be continuing to frequently add and refresh the documents we have available on the website.  We understand that we can always be doing more so we’ll be remodelling the corporate and business folders to ensure that you get the most from them.This year, we also would like to hear more from you. ... Continue reading

Top Five Health and Safety Myths

We’ve all heard the ridiculous stories of things being banned or changed under the banner of ‘health and safety’, but are all these things true? Many bizarre changes attributed to health and safety are actually down to personal choice rather than official regulations. HSE (Health and Safety Executive) has set up a Myth Busters C ... Continue reading

Whistle Blowing

Whistle blowing is making the news again with officers, past and present, of the Metropolitan police giving evidence at the Commons public administration committee that crime figures have been manipulated to account for lower crime rates than were actually true.This is not the first time whistle blowing has made headlines, after ... Continue reading

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