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Author : Health & Safety Team

Electrical Safety Standards - Changes from 1 April 2021

The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 (‘the Regulations’) require landlords in England to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a person who is qualified and competent, at least every five years. Landlords have to provide a copy of the elec ... Continue reading

New Draft Regulations on Mandatory Electrical Safety Checks

Further to our blog post in October last year (which can be found here), the Government has now published The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, which impose duties on private landlords of residential properties in England in respect of electrical safety standards.These regulatio ... Continue reading

Secretary of State Now Has Power to Make Regulations on Electrical Safety Checks

New regulations have been passed which give the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government powers (from 25 October 2019) to impose duties on private residential landlords in England to carry out mandatory electrical safety checks when premises are occupied under a tenancy.The Housing and Planning Act 2016 s ... Continue reading

Fire Safety - Changes to Statutory Guidance - Approved Document B of the Building Regulations

Approved Documents are statutory guidance published by the Government on how to meet the Building Regulations for building work carried out in England only.The Government has published changes to Approved Document B (Volumes 1 and 2) of the Building Regulations, which deals with fire safety. These changes come into force on 21 J ... Continue reading

Call for Evidence on Improving Building Safety

The Government has published a Call for Evidence – ‘Good practice on how residents and landlords/ building managers work together to keep their home and building safe’. Landlords, building managers, and residents are all encouraged to respond.This Call for Evidence invites views on how residents and landlords/building managers w ... Continue reading

How Much Money Could Effective Waste Management and Recycling Save Your Business?

In April 2016, landfill tax reached £84.40 per tonne. Apart from the direct cost, complying with the wide array of environmental regulations makes dealing with commercial waste even more expensive. So learning how to use your resources more efficiently and reducing waste is something that can help save your business a significan ... Continue reading

Has Health & Safety Gone Mad?

When you work for a company or run your own business, you have to adhere to a long list of rules and regulations in the name of health and safety.In the right hands, such rules are crucial for preventing accident or injury in the workplace. In the wrong hands, however, many view safety legislation as a tool that is used by bosse ... Continue reading

Builders And Clients: Are You Prepared For CDM Regulations 2015?

The new Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015 are now in force. Statistically there are more injuries and fatalities on smaller, previously unregulated building projects than on larger ones. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has decided to address this issue by requiring all projects to have someone ... Continue reading

CDM Regulations Changes in 2015: What Do They Mean for You?

The new Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM) are expected to come into force from 6th April 2015.  Previously, if you were a domestic client having building work done, this would have little impact on you, as you would probably expect the builder to take responsibility for health and safety on the proje ... Continue reading

New Rules Are in Force For The Labelling Of Allergens in Food and Drink

What is the new legislation?It’s possible that you may have missed the recent new law on allergen labelling for food and drink products sold to consumers. From 13th December 2014 strict new rules apply to how businesses must notify consumers about food and drink products containing allergens. The Regulations include a list of 14 ... Continue reading

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