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What May be Found in a Contract of Employment?

If you are an employer, you will need what is known as a ‘contract of employment’. This is due to the fact that you have to give an employee your set of rules and regulations, which is called a “written statement of employment particulars”. This document has to be given to your new worker within two months of them starting work. A statement of employment particulars is the minimum that the law requires; however, employers are not fully protected by it. A comprehensive employment contract can work out much better for employers and employees. Luckily, you are able to sign up and download an employment contract template from a website offering document templates.

What exactly is an employment contract?

A contract of employment is typically comprehensive and allows the employer to detail the duties of their employees, along with any responsibilities. This ensures that employees know what is expected prevents misunderstandings.

There are many different types of employment contract templates available for download and these can be tailored to fit the needs of your particular business. For instance, a basic standard minimum contract will differ from those which are suitable for more senior staff, such as an executive employment contract. The difference between document templates could, for example, be the inclusion or exclusion of confidentiality clauses. You can generally find a contract of employment template to suit any scenario.

Elements of the template

Depending on the documents you have downloaded, you would typically find the following included in the template.

• The employee name and address in full along with the organisation details
• The date the employee started working for you. This is a very important thing to have on the form
• The exact job description and title of the job, which was specified when advertising the job, along with any offer letter that you sent
• The exact location where the employee works
• The amount of hours the employee works. The employee may also agree to working additional hours, providing it is reasonably requested by the employer. Bear in mind that this cannot generally exceed 48 hours in any week
• Salary details should be included, which cover the salary before tax and national insurance, along with deductions, if any. This section should state the date when payment is made
• Holidays should be stated and this becomes important if there are any busy times when the employer wants to prevent employees from taking time off work. It should state the amount of days per year holiday that the employee can take. Bear in mind that there is a 28 day statutory minimum for employees working a five day week.

Of course, the above are just a few of the many things that should be included in any employment contract template that you download to use in your business. It is likely that there will be many other clauses, such as those relating to retirement, severability, notice periods, sickness and disability.

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