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Employment contracts in the spotlight

Taking on new members of staff can be exciting. Perhaps you’re just starting out with your company, or maybe you’re going through a period of expansion.

However, before you get carried away, it’s important to think through all the implications associated with employing new people. There are a series of legal issues to deal with and if you don’t get to grips with these from the outset, you could run into serious problems further down the line.


For example, once you’ve chosen the individual or individuals you want to welcome into your firm, you’ll need to complete employment contracts. These documents will define your relationship with the new workers and it will detail your respective rights and responsibilities.

To make your life easier, it could help to take advantage of our document templates here at Simply-Docs. We offer a range of legal contracts and should have exactly what you’re after.

The facts

Employment contracts are agreements that set out an individual’s employment conditions, rights, responsibilities and duties. These are referred to as the ‘terms’ of the contract. Both employers and employees must stick to these contracts until they end; if either the worker or company gives notice or if the employee is dismissed. A contract can also end if the terms are changed, usually by agreement between the worker and employer.

Employers must also make clear to workers which parts of their contracts are legally binding.

In addition, it’s important to bear in mind that as soon as someone accepts a job offer, they have a form of contract with their employer.

Collective agreements

In some cases, employers make an agreement with employees’ representatives such as trade unions or staff associations. This is called a collective agreement and its terms may include matters such as how negotiations will be organised, who will represent workers and which employees are covered.

Check out our templates

The matters covered are really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to employment law. As you can see, the issues are many and varied and so trying to handle all of this without assistance could be very time consuming and difficult. Also, you may be at serious risk of making mistakes that could come back to bite you later on.

By coming to us to use our legal forms, you could make your life much easier and potentially protect your organisation from legal difficulties. Our Employment Contracts Folder contains a wide selection of up-to-date employment contracts that can be applied to your needs immediately or with simple editing.

All of our employment contracts have been drafted by legal specialists to address the specific needs of jobs and staff seniority implied by the titles of the contracts.

How much?

You might be surprised to learn how inexpensive our employment contracts are. For only £35 plus VAT, you can access the entire Employment Document Folder for an entire year. To find out more about our employment contract templates, just take a look around the rest of our website.

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