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Form N337 Court Form Requesting Attachment of Earnings Order


This Form N337 Court Form Requesting Attachment of Earnings Order can be used where a landlord has obtained a court order requiring a tenant to pay money, for example rent arrears, and the debt remains unpaid.

Obtaining an attachment of earnings order is one of several means of enforcing a money judgment court order.  It directs the tenant’s employer to deduct an amount from the tenant’s earnings each pay day and send the money to the landlord.

For more information about enforcing a money judgment, and the other types of enforcement order, see the Section 8 Possession Guidance.

The up-to-date version of it can be found on the Government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/form-n337-request-for-attachment-of-earnings-order.

Once you have opened the template form on the Government website, you should save a copy to a location of your choice and then you can complete that copy.

Form N337 Court Form Requesting Attachment of Earnings Order is part of Property. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Property for 1 year.

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