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Recipe Allergen Checklist


This Recipe Allergen Checklist can be used by restaurants, bakers, butchers, delicatessens, cafes, fast food outlets and institutional and other caterers to keep an accurate record of the presence of any notifiable allergens in the food and drinks they provide to the consumer. This Recipe Allergen Checklist also provides a clear and consistent reference point to use when the food business has chosen to provide allergen information to the consumer on an oral basis. 

The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (No. 1169/2011) (FIC) and Food Information Regulations 2014 (SI 2014/1855) (FIR) require food businesses to provide clear and accurate information on the allergens present in the food they have produced so that allergic individuals can avoid consuming food that may cause them to have an allergic reaction. The food business operator’s obligations under the Regulations apply to all prepacked food, non-prepacked food and food prepacked for direct sale provided by the food business.

The Regulations recognise that for certain businesses it may be much easier to provide allergen information orally. This only applies to non-prepacked foods. In such cases customers must be able to obtain the information from members of staff. If the allergen information is to be provided orally then at the point at which the consumer chooses their food the business must provide a written notice, for instance, a menu, ticket or clearly visible label that indicates that allergen information is available from a member of staff. Using this Recipe Allergen Checklist means that for each recipe or dish the allergen information is available for staff to refer to in a written and consistent form.

The checklist has been designed so that there is one sheet for each recipe/dish. Each sheet contains a list of the 14 notifiable allergen groups with examples of allergens that fall within each group. The allergens present in the recipe could be highlighted, circled or all allergens that are not in the recipe could be deleted from the page. The key is to clearly show which allergens are present in the relevant recipe. The form details the majority of different allergen types in each allergen group, however other forms of the allergens can be put on the form in the boxes marked “other”.

When you click on the “Download Document” button below you will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.

Recipe Allergen Checklist is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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