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Allergen Policy For Non-prepacked Foods And Foods Prepacked For Direct Sale


This Allergen Policy For Non-prepacked Foods And Foods Prepacked For Direct Sale has been written in accordance with the allergen labelling and notification Regulations.  This allergen notification policy is suitable for restaurants, bakers, butchers, delicatessens, cafes, fast food outlets and institutional and other caterers. 

The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (No. 1169/2011) (FIC) and Food Information Regulations 2014 (SI 2014/1855) (FIR)  require food businesses to provide clear and accurate information on the allergens present in the food they have produced so that allergic individuals can avoid consuming food that may cause them to have an allergic reaction. The food business’s obligations under the Regulations applies to all non-prepacked food and food prepacked for direct sale provided by the food business.

This Allergen Policy contains a section on the 14 Allergen Groups that must be declared and includes the details of this Allergen List as an Appendix to the Policy so that the exact regulations can be referred to at all times. The Allergen Policy also deals with who has the responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Regulations and how the Company will monitor the provision of supplier information, the management of cross contamination, training and the provision of oral allergen information.

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Allergen Policy For Non-prepacked Foods And Foods Prepacked For Direct Sale is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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