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COVID-19 Return to Work Shop Example Risk Assessment Form


This Example COVID-19 Return to Work Shop Risk Assessment Form template can be used to help assessors get started when they carry out a risk assessment for their particular workplace, environment and facilities. This example risk assessment form is looking at a specific shop set-up; this medium sized shop has a front entrance and exit, a back office, a storeroom, a small kitchen and a toilet. This document should only be used as a guide/hints list when applying the COVID-19 Return to Work Blank Risk Assessment Form to your own retail premises, and it can assist the employer in how to see their own shop for the purposes of risk assessing it.

This document has been updated in accordance with the Government's relaxation of coronavirus related restrictions from 19th July 2021 and the changes to this example form include:

  • the removal of the NHS Test and Trace provisions; and 
  • reduced references to social distancing.

It is imperative that any risk assessment is specific to each business, location and department and that all measures and controls are carried out and not just recorded on the form. It is important to make sure that “you have done enough” in your risk assessment.

This example risk assessment is designed to help a retail shop business complete reasonable and practicable measures and controls to enable employees to return to work safely and customers to return to shop. The application of the COVID-19 risk assessment forms presume that the hazard in respect of all these forms is the risk to employees and shoppers (and contractors and visitors as appropriate) of being infected by the Coronavirus within the relevant location. The persons at risk in this example are the staff, shoppers and delivery drivers.

The “Existing Controls”, “Further Measures” and “Action Required” details serve as hints only and may or may not apply to your retail environment. Such controls and measures will depend entirely on your company’s / business’ current health & safety procedures and the steps that you have taken (and will take) in respect of managing the risk of coronavirus infection in your particular workplace.

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COVID-19 Return to Work Shop Example Risk Assessment Form is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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