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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Vaccination – FAQs for Employers


On 24 February 2022, the government moved to a new phase of its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it announced the end of mandatory self-isolation and free testing. Please see the ‘Living with COVID-19 – Guidance Notes’ for more information.

As far as reasonably practicable, employers have a duty to ensure the health and safety at work of their employees. Asking employees to agree to a vaccination against coronavirus (COVID-19) is likely to be a reasonable step to take to reduce the risk to employees' health. However, vaccination requires an individual’s informed and voluntary consent and so an employer cannot compel an employee to be vaccinated if they do not wish to be so.

With effect from 15 March 2022, people working or volunteering in care homes are no longer required to have received a COVID-19 vaccine to enter the premises.

Employers might decide to require all new employees to have the COVID-19 vaccination. Should an employer take this approach they must ensure that they do not inadvertently discriminate against individuals on the grounds of protected characteristics under the Equality Act. Employees may refuse the COVID-19 vaccination on medical grounds. Employees may also refuse to be vaccinated on the basis of their religious beliefs. Employers will have to deal with each case on its merits and listen carefully to an employee’s reasons for refusing vaccination.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Vaccination – FAQs for Employers is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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