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What Registers & Records does a Private Company need to Keep?



This Guidance Note is a practical ‘how to’ guide setting out what registers and records the Companies Act 2006 requires private companies to keep as well as looking at a company’s registered office and SAIL where these registers are kept.

The Companies Act 2006 requires that a company must have a registered office and that certain registers and records relating to the company, its members and directors must be kept and maintained there.

This Company Registers & Records – What Must be Kept & Where to Keep Them? Guidance Note is a simple user friendly guide to help company secretaries, finance directors and those tasked with the role of company administration, to familiarise themselves with the legal requirements involved in keeping, managing and maintaining these registers and records and covers the following areas:

• Maintaining the registered office – where should it be and what needs to be kept there? 
• How to change the registered office address – procedures to follow and forms to file. 
• SAIL – what is a SAIL (single alternative inspection location)? 
• Registers and records – what needs to be kept, where and for how long? 
• Access and inspection of records. 
• A discussion of the registers of members, directors, directors’ residential addresses, secretaries, debenture holders and charges.

The documents listed below are the registers, board minutes, letters and Companies House forms required in the process of upkeeping company registers and records in order to comply with the Companies Act 2006 and are discussed in the covering Guidance Note.

Board Minutes - Change of Registered Office 
AD01 - Change Of Registered Office Address 
AD02 - Notification Of Single Alternative Inspection Location (SAIL) 
Letter to Tax Office - Notify Change of Registered Office Address 
AD03 - Change Of Location Of The Company Records To The SAIL 
Register of Members 
Register Of Directors (Individuals) 
Register Of Directors (Corporate) 
Register Of Directors’ Residential Addresses 
Register Of Company Secretaries (Individuals) 
Register Of Company Secretaries (Corporate) 
MR01 - Particulars Of Mortgage Or Charge

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